Friday, January 2, 2015

Don't start 2015 without these "Computer Resolutions"!

The new year is here, 2015. Just like every January 1st, people all over are promising themselves to be more fit, healthier and live better. The same could be done for your computer! Here are our Top 3 resolutions for you (and your computer!) to keep in the new year.

1) 2015 tech resolutions: Back up your data

If you're anything like us, you have a ton of personal data -- photos, videos, music files, documents -- stored on multiple devices. Not only will some of these be irreplaceable, but it probably took you quite some time to gather them all together and make yourself at home on that computer. Now imagine someone steals your laptop, or your hard drive fails, or you accidentally overwrite those files. It happens every day, but you can quickly and easily set up an automated backup plan to protect your data. The easiest way to ensure you never lose your files is with a Carbonite online backup subscription. Starting at just $59/year, it's the most affordable and most secure online backup system available. 

2) Spring Clean in Summer, Autumn and Winter

Over time, your computer attracts dust, dirt, grime and other nasties in the air. The static electricity in the components acts like a magnet, causing gunk to build up on the fans. When this happens, your computer will overheat, causing hardware problems, like a hard drive crash! Using a canned air duster is the best way to clean out those components.
A full-service system cleanup from All Star Computer Service is only $79, and includes not only cleaning the physical gunk, but also the digital stuff as well.

3) Update!

How often does your computer tell you "update this program!" or you get a notification that Java is out of date? It can seem pesky, but these updates, such as the ones for Flash and Adobe Reader, are generally security updates that close holes and patch software errors that allow hackers and virus-writers to attack your system. Make it a goal this year to always update when Windows (or OSX, if you're an Apple user) or third-party applications say it's time. 

So, that's it. Hopefully with these tips your computer will be running at its best this year. Happy New Year from All Star Computer Service!