Friday, February 7, 2014

Microsoft's New CEO: Initial Thoughts

Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO
Back in August  , it was announced that Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft since 2000, would be stepping down, retiring, and the search for his replacement would be under way. Several names were bandied about, including Nokia head Stephen Elop. Even Jack Dorsey's (the guy behind Twitter) name was thrown into the ring. However, after six months, Microsoft found the heir to Ballmer's throne: Satya Nadella.

Satya Nadella wasn't one of the names often mentioned in the media as a possible replacement for Ballmer. Much of the talk from tech publications centered around the idea that the new head of Microsoft should come from outside the Redmond, Washington based company.

Nadella has been with Microsoft for over twenty years and before his appointment as CEO was head of the company's cloud services division.

The big thing about Satya Nadella's appointment is that it signals the end of an era: the age of the over-the-top, loud-mouthed tech founders is over. Humble and soft-spoken is the new it thing for tech companies. And for a Microsoft that has weathered Steve Ballmer's public tirades and Youtube-able moments, Nadella will prove to be a breath of fresh air.

However, will he be able to bring Microsoft back to the front of the pack in the tech world? The company has been leap-frogged by Apple, Google and even Amazon in the mobile and web services industries. Expect Microsoft to be more cohesive among its offerings, making convergence between phone, tablet and computer the norm.

Satya Nadella has a lot of work to do. But he's just the right person to get it done.

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